Friday, September 20, 2013

Meet Mrs. What-cha-ma-call-its

Every Friday I get to dress up as a gypsy named Mrs. What-cha-ma-call-its who runs a store in my Freckled faced boy's classroom.  The kindergartens each day are able to earn "what-cha-ma-call-its" for the different tasks required of them or attitudes that should be rewarded.  Some examples; just for showing up they earn three or if they do something or treat somebody noticeably well then they can earn more.  On the flip side they can also loose them, or rather they have to pay the "teacher's bank" for something disrespectful that they did.  When the store is opened the kids are able to use whatever what-cha-ma-call-its they have to buy little trinkets.  Each trinket worth a different price.  They have to figure out if they have enough to buy the toy they want making to store not only a reward but also a math lesson.

Laughter and I set up the store, take down the store, and run the register.  My Freckle faced boy beams with joy as his love tank is filled to over flowing.  I get to watch him grow up and get to know his peers, while Laughter is overjoyed to be my helper and serve his brother.  Even though it's only for a few minutes each week Mrs. What-cha-ma-call-it is a highlight of our week.

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