Sunday, September 29, 2013

We met in May, I said yes in September.

For four years I had heard about you.
For four years I had told my Momma-roo I wasn't interested.

Our second outing together.  The one where you sliced your foot "real good", and we played, would you rather, for at least 4 miles.

Then that Friday before Memorial weekend I arrived home after a full day of flying to find she had volunteered me to help out at your camp.  Little did I know how grateful I would soon be for her meddling.

Even though I told you I wouldn't be your girlfriend, and later said you could not hold my hand, and even though you wouldn't hear a peep from me after every single visit we had, you still waited for me.  Although in all honesty I didn't keep you waiting long.  Or rather God didn't keep us waiting long.  I said no and kept silent because I really liked you, but wanted to make sure I heard God through my emotions.

On September 29th He said you could put that ring on my finger.  We are after all a match made in heaven.

I can never say it enough, TFA.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Science Friday

For three years my Freckle faced boy and I worked our way through preschool programs.  And now it's little brothers turn.  Starting with the same program I did with my first we are embarking on a new journey the two of us.

While it's bringing back many memories, it's also completely new as I try to focus on his strengths making learning fun.  I have two goals this year: 1.  To get him to sit for about 15 minutes a day following directions and 2.  To give him and unquenchable hunger for learning.

Every morning as we begin we sip coffee and/or tea together.

My first time through this reading based program we would sit and read for hours.  Each day we would read a little bit about science, a little bit about animals, a little bit about society, and some imagination stories. He loved it and I loved it.  But when we would do some kind of hands on project he would quickly become frustrated.  He is my logical, rational, get-'er-done boy.

However, this time around, Captain Imagination and I do a project every day, with snippets of reading here and there, as he cannot learn without using all of his senses.  Each day is a new subject with the exception of our Bible reading which is by far his favorite part of school anyway.

On Friday's I'm three days into my work week with one left, and we volunteer in his brothers class running a cute little store together making our morning is shorter then the rest.  And so we do a quick read from our science book and then cuddle up in my big bed to watch the Magic school bus.

A chill, but fun way to end the school week.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Family worship 9.13

One of the most amazing things on earth is to hear my boys sing to there Maker.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Meet Mrs. What-cha-ma-call-its

Every Friday I get to dress up as a gypsy named Mrs. What-cha-ma-call-its who runs a store in my Freckled faced boy's classroom.  The kindergartens each day are able to earn "what-cha-ma-call-its" for the different tasks required of them or attitudes that should be rewarded.  Some examples; just for showing up they earn three or if they do something or treat somebody noticeably well then they can earn more.  On the flip side they can also loose them, or rather they have to pay the "teacher's bank" for something disrespectful that they did.  When the store is opened the kids are able to use whatever what-cha-ma-call-its they have to buy little trinkets.  Each trinket worth a different price.  They have to figure out if they have enough to buy the toy they want making to store not only a reward but also a math lesson.

Laughter and I set up the store, take down the store, and run the register.  My Freckle faced boy beams with joy as his love tank is filled to over flowing.  I get to watch him grow up and get to know his peers, while Laughter is overjoyed to be my helper and serve his brother.  Even though it's only for a few minutes each week Mrs. What-cha-ma-call-it is a highlight of our week.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

A much needed vacation

After a full summer of transition...
When promotions have happened and odd jobs were picked up.
When relationships have grown and where some have not.
When a half full house becomes full with five boys, one adorable girl, and two sets of parents.
When gardens don't grow quite the way they should have.
When five year old boys start kindergarten and little brother feels lonely.
When family time looked more different then ever before.

When fall began to encroach we packed our bags and quietly slipped away into a world of imagination...


Filling our love tanks to the tippy top.

A bed made for our two newest dragons.