Monday, January 28, 2013

Unexpected pain

It is true to watch one who I love being attacked is probably more difficult for me then for my him.  In many ways the attacks are on me as well since I too have sacrificed as many hours as him for the sake of the ministry.  While not the face of the change as he was, I spent hours each week supporting his choice to be away from our family to bring change to the ministry.  So I was as involved as he was, only I was never seen.  So yes it hurts deeply when he is straight up attacked.

As I grow older my relationship with Jesus grows deeper.  I find that I have these expectation of those who are even further along the path in both life and knowing Jesus.  I expect that they would work hard to show mercy and grace to the younger generation, my generation.  I expect them to gently rebuke us as we make mistakes, immature mistakes out of ignorance because we haven't walked as far as them.  I don't think these expectations are too high as Paul had these same expectations of the first generation Christ followers and all those who followed right into 2013.  And yet somehow the way life plays out in the majority of cases this is not the case.  I understand that some will claim to follow Jesus and will live there whole lives pretending, but I am shocked at those who mirror Jesus in every aspect of life.  These I am shocked would not publicly rebuke these "mature" followers who are publicly, purposefully say hurtful things.

I am told that in public it is not the place, and yet I can think of no place in Jesus' life that he waited until the moment had passed and he could talk with the mature believers in private and explain there sin.  Actually if I remember correctly he responded as strongly with truth as they accused.  If we are to be mirrors why don't we follow His example?

So as he is attacked it hurts, but the tolerance of slanderous words bring tears gushing and shoulders heaving.

"But the things that proceed out of the mouth come from the heart, and those defile men.  For out of the heart comes evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witnesses, slanders.  These are the things that defile man; but to eat with unwashed hands does not defile the man."
~ Matthew 15:18-20

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