Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Oh Lord,

So often I come to You as a girl runs to her Daddy and often I come to you head over heals in love with Jesus.  Tonight I come as a servant on my knees with my face to the ground.  You are the Creator of all things, Master of the heavens and the earth.  You are good and holy and pure.  You are perfect.

As Your servant  I beg you to hear me.  Hear my pain and know my heart.

I want to shout at You!  What if hearts break?  What if You are rejected instead of found?  Why would you put such pain on some I love and You love too.  How is this good for there hearts, for there souls?  Why them?  When I suffer, I know I can handle it because I know Your love deeply, but they don't know it.  What were You thinking? I want to raise my fists shouting all this at You, but how can I when I know You are love?

I already know the answers to my questions; You love us deep enough.  You are big enough for them to see You through all this pain and hurt.  Again and again I must say it; Your love is enough, You are big enough.

As I sit in the dark wishing for snow to fall just so I could see a tangible reminder of grace, instead You give me perspective.  That day so long ago, a day never forgotten, You watched as Your perfect son was tortured and killed simply because of evil hearts.  Oh, how You must have hurt.  Now I have seen a glimpse of Your pain.  Be compassionate towards me, by protecting and healing hurt souls.

Master, Creator, I can not shout at You, nor will I demand of You, but please hear me.  As You heard Moses all those years ago when Israel had angered You.  Answer me as You answered stubborn Habakkuk.  Transform me like you did Saul on the road that day.

Hear this:

Protect hearts, tenderizing them towards You, bring more souls into your family.  Just as you did with the remnant of Israel.

Give me words like You gave Jeremiah, so that I might be a glimpse of Jesus to them, so they might know you.  The circle of not yet believers that will be watching the pain and for my reaction my love for You will be great.  I beg you to give me words so they can see You past me.

Lastly I want to beg for you to give physical healing.  Just as You took the blindness out of my eyes take the sickness out of this one.  As my blindness and Your healing brought souls into Your kingdom do it again with this.

Father, Daddy, You are good.  I will worship You forever, no matter how dark the road may become.  I will proclaim always that You are God.

I will trust You.  I choose to trust You.  Lord, Master help me to trust You.

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