Friday, November 15, 2013

A day of slowing.

After a week of glorious busy, including a late night into the wee morning hours full of laughing ladies, a relaxing night catching up with a dear friend over dinner and drinks, and a peaceful afternoon getting my first ever message with a Momma to be, it was a glorious week of busy.

Today as I stumbled into my closet struggling to put on the first pair of pants I could find, not even bothering to change out of the shirt I slept in I decided today would be a day of slowing.  And now, as I finish the last of my afternoon coffee and begin preparing for a long night at work I can't help but count the joys of today.

Simple snacks packed into his lunch box.
Smiles and I love yous exchanged as he walks into school
Cozy fires.
Big beds to snuggle in.
Little boy super hero's.
Christmas movies to watch.
Two sleepy Mommas sipping coffee together..
One happy baby girl.

Two boys only 9 weeks apart now dubbed as our twins, now that we walk life together, living in the same house.
Little hands sorting cranberries.
The sent of boiling berries.

Listening to my oldest quote the Bible.
Watching him grow into a man.
Dryers tumbling.
Quiet afternoons for reflecting.

Gifts 40 - 54.

Friday, November 8, 2013

It doesn't take much to fill four hearts with love.


Brothers making discoveries together.

The smallest of boys with the largest hearts of compassion.

Silly Mommas and fun photos.

Sunny, but crisp fall days.

A husband and father who makes sure his family knows we are of the up most importance to him.

Gifts 34 - 39.